Rallying around difference makers

Last weekend I had the honor of participating in the Lake County Vet Connect event at the Clearlake Senior Center. The event bridges homeless veterans with the services and supplies they may have difficulty accessing. Since COVID-19 put a lot of happenings on hold, this was the first time this year that the organization was able to gather and put on this vital event. I’m so glad they did, and pleased they invited me to help.

One of the reasons I am running for city council is the great respect I have for our local officials. Last year, as a member of the Clearlake Rotary, I volunteered for their annual Christmas dinner sorting donated clothes outside and carrying big boxes around. Little things, but things that all add up to a special event. As I stood outside organizing the bags of apparel, shoes, jackets, etc., I couldn’t help but notice that every single one of our city council members were there helping. Joyce Overton was delivering clothes, Dirk Slooten, Russ Cremer, and Russ Perdock were all in the back cooking or serving food, and Phil Harris was organizing the student volunteers. All five were out on a chilly Saturday morning (in a non-election year) giving back. I was really impressed.

Many of you are already doing a lot. Many have also contributed, but felt it was a lost cause. I understand that feeling and it is our enemy. I’m committed to not only laying the infrastructure for improved community engagement through automated workflows and collaboration, but I will also to use my platform and experience to shine a light on all the progress we are making and will make. To shine a light on the people who are making a difference.

We have a lot of issues in Clearlake that don’t require the city council to lead the charge. Problems that don’t need millions of dollars to solve. Daily concerns that can be advanced if the community is able to rally around those best suited to help. Whether it’s sorting clothes, picking up trash, handing out candy, or just listening, every little bit helps. I will support you. I’ll carry the heavy boxes for you so you can keep changing the lives of people here in Clearlake. Just let me know what you need.


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Regarding the expansion of cannabis permits