Regarding the expansion of cannabis permits

Tomorrow the city council will discuss potentially expanding the number of cannabis cultivation, manufacturing, or delivery permits issued to prospective business owners. One thing missing from the discussion during the prior city council meeting was the short term and long term benefits of each permit type. The sense I got from the discussion was that the council expects to open up the permitting process, letting the zoning restrict excessive development. I understand the impulse for letting the market determine what is most lucrative for the permit holder, but we’re likely not adding new zoning for cannabis in the near future. These permit recipients will be locked in for many years.

It was touched on in the last city council meeting, but we need a clearer picture on the number of job, good jobs in particular, each permit type yields on average, and of course revenue. Revenue is great, but revenue and jobs can potentially be better. Opening it up is a fine option, I’m just wondering if we could qualify a better approach.

UPDATE: The council decided to open up the permitting process for those three categories. I support this decision.


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